

Hace algunos años Steve me dijo que esta canción la escribió para un amigo que había perdido a su padre.

Hoy me hace llorar y me parece tan reelevante para estos días.


Feeling you shake
Feel your heart break
Thinking if only, if only, if only, if only
And the salt water runs
Through your veins and your bones
Telling you no not this way, not this way, not this way
And you would give anything
Give up everything
Offer your life blood away
For yesterday

No one leaves you
When you live in their heart and mind
And no one dies
They just move to the other side
When we're gone
Watch the world simply carry on
We live on laughing and in no pain
We'll stay and be happy
With those who have loved us today

Finding the answer
It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows
And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness

No one leaves you
When you live in their heart and mind
And no one dies
They just move to the other side
When we're gone
Watch the world simply carry on
We live on laughing and in no pain
We'll stay and be happy
With those who have loved us today

And we won't understand your grief
Because time is illusion
As this watery world spins around
This timeless sun
Will dry your eyes
And calm your mind

No one leaves you
When you live in their heart and mind
And no one dies
They just move to the other side
When we're gone
Watch the world simply carry on
It's okay, we will stay and be happy
Stay and be happy
With those who have loved us today

Gracias Steve.

2 Criticas constructivas ó alimentadas de ego:

Anonymous Anónimo Dijo...

"No one leaves you, when you live in their heart and mind"...

You leave no one, when they live in your heart and mind...

Es hermoso.
Gracias Steve.
Gracias Seb.

8:44 p.m., febrero 15, 2008  
Anonymous Anónimo Dijo...

Mi amor,
recuerda que las personas nos dejan solo si nosotros permitimos que nos dejen... Creeme que el va a estar siempre contgo. Siempre sera una de las estrellas mas brillantes de tu firmamento.

Gracias por copartirnos tus nostalgias.


4:37 p.m., febrero 17, 2008  

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